As part of the goal to move to trajectory-based operations, the ADSENCIO focuses on improving various features of air traffic control in order to better anticipate how flights would behave.
During the execution of a flight, major elements to feed an accurate and reliable trajectory prediction -or alternate scenarios- can be provided by the aircraft itself. These elements can be: wind conditions, speed schedule or the trajectory prediction computed by the aircraft navigation system itself, which consists in a suite of positions, altitude and time (“4 Dimensions”).
The purpose of the Very Large Demonstration ADSCENSIO project is to perform both:
- Operational evaluations demonstrating the added value of the use of ADS-C data sent by airliners, invarious common situations, and
- Technical demonstrations about the appropriateness of proposed infrastructure to convey anddistribute ADS-C data to ground consumers based on VDL & SATCOM technologies and a common servicearchitecture.