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Expert with many years of international experience in the transport sector.
She is experienced in strategy development and organisation transformation, project and risk management, with many years of experience in aviation, road and rail projects.
Graduate of the University of Warsaw (international relations) and MBA studies at the Warsaw University of Technology. She also completed postgraduate studies in European integration – EU law at Maastricht University.
From 2017 to 2023, she worked for the European Commission as a member of the Advisory Panel on Air Navigation (Performance Review Body of the Single European Sky). She was occupied with improving the performance of air navigation in Europe in the areas of safety, capacity, environment protection and cost efficiency.
Previously, she was President of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency for two years leading to the introduction of vertical separation in the Polish airspace, revision of the Performance Plan for 2015-2019, as well as doubling the implementation of key investments.
From 2008 to 2014, as Deputy General Director of National Roads and Motorways, she was responsible for the implementation of the largest road and motorway construction programme worth over PLN 100 billion, co-financed from the Operational Infrastructure and Environment Programme and under PPP, as well as for the implementation of the electronic toll collection system.