“In December 2019 the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA), officially took over the chairmanship of the A6 Alliance – a group of the largest European air navigation service providers, including those from Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain and Italy.
This is a very important time for Europe and the future of aviation. I am convinced that together we will develop concepts and solutions that will realistically result in a new European sky.
For PANSA, 2020 will be a year full of new challenges and innovations. We want to limit the environmental impact of aviation, for example by promoting innovative solutions.”
In the latest issue of Eurocontrol Skyway Magazine, CEO of PANSA and Chairman of the A6 Alliance Steering Board Janusz Janiszewski speaks about a year of challenges for PANSA and A6 Alliance presidency. Read his story: (soure: Eurocontrol Skyway Magazine Spring/Summer 2020, page 30-32)
Full edition of the latest Skyway Magazine to be read here (our story on page 30):
Eurocontrol Skyway Magazine Spring/Summer 2020