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PANSA President, Janusz Janiszewski, will be heading the A6 Alliance in 2020

On Wednesday, December 11th Janusz Janiszewski, President of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency officially took over the chairmanship of the A6 Alliance – Group of the largest European air navigation institutions, from Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain and Italy. This is the first time in history when a Pole will preside over the Alliance’s highest decision-making body.

– From the perspective of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Poland, this decision may bring greater involvement of the industry into the discussions on the modernization of the air traffic management in Europe. This is proof of the positive opinion on the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency among European institutions ensuring safety of the aviation – said Marcin Horała, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Poland, Government Plenipotentiary for the Solidarity Transport Hub.

During the one-year term of the Chairmanship of the A6 Steering Board, Janusz Janiszewski will represent the Alliance at high-level meetings. It will also have a direct impact on shaping decisions related to the development of the air traffic management industry in Europe, including works on the new legislative package on the Single European Sky (SES) announced for 2020.

The one-year term begins on 1 January 2020. Until the end of December this function is performed by Robert Neri, CEO of ENAV, the Italian counterpart of PANSA.

– I would like to thank Roberta, who has chaired the A6 for the last two years, for her and her team’s involvement in promoting A6. The A6 Alliance has a great potential and we should make the best use of it – said Janusz Janiszewski, President of PANSA.

The decision to elect Janusz Janiszewski as chairman of the A6 Steering Board was made at a meeting of leading A6 members in October this year. During the talks, representatives of European air navigation service providers emphasized the many years of operational and managerial experience of the PANSA President as well as the activity and involvement of the Polish agency in the work of, among others with the European Commission, EUROCONTROL, airlines and airports associations.

– I perceive the selection decision as recognition of the Agency’s current activity on the international stage – said the president of PANSA.

The A6 alliance was founded in 2011 by the six ANSP members of the SESAR JU – DFS (Germany), DSNA (France), ENAIRE (Spain), ENAV (Italy), NATS (UK) and NORACON – a consortium including Austro Control (Austria), AVINOR (Norway), EANS (Estonia), Finavia (Finland), IAA (Ireland), LFV (Sweden) and Naviair (Denmark). In 2015 PANSA (Poland) became a full member of the A6 Alliance, together with the COOPANS Alliance for work associated with Deployment Manager and SESAR 2020; and the B4 Consortium for work associated with SESAR 2020. The A6 Alliance has also reached a collaboration agreement with Skyguide in relation to SESAR 2020 R&D activities. The Group was established to coordinate the research and development and investment works of the main suppliers of air navigation services in the SESAR program (Single European Sky ATM Research). In addition, Alliance A6 in its work focuses on key strategic areas of common interest to A6 members related to transport and aviation regulations.

The next meeting of the A6 Steering Board is planned in March 2020 at the Polish Embassy in Madrid as an event accompanying the World ATM Congress 2020.

