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PANSA UTM reached in 2019 the level of maturity required by the EU by 2021

Thanks to the determination and commitment of many institutions, companies and people, the most important functionalities and U-space services for unmanned aerial vehicle traffic as outlined by the European Commission and the SESAR U-space Blueprint document have been successfully tested in Poland at the demonstration polygon during the Droniada 2019 competition in Katowice.

Among the tested functionalities were:
· E-registration
· E-identification
· Flight planning (dFPL – drone Flight Plan)
· Acceptance and modification of a flight
· Real-time flight tracking
· Two-way non-verbal communication between air traffic services and the UAV operator (CDDLC Controller-Drone Data Link Communication)
· Collision detection and avoidance protocols (DAA – Detect and Avoid)

The listed functions enabling planning of both recreational and professional flights within and beyond of the operator’s line of sight (VLOS and BVLOS) are currently being implemented on all 15 civil towers (TWR) and 5 flight information service sectors (FIS) in the certification process under the supervision of the Civil Aviation Authority.

Currently, PANSA UTM supports the planning of VLOS and BVLOS flights in accordance with applicable regulations and is ready for the successive entrance into force of European regulations and requirements.

The PANSA UTM solution supported technologically by Hawk-e and DroneRadar reached the level of sophistication expected by the EU in 2021. This fact places PANSA at the forefront of the most technologically advanced air navigation service providers.

All activities undertaken jointly by the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Civil Aviation Authority and the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency have one goal in common: safe, efficient and effective integration of manned and unmanned aviation.

We encourage you to watch a short video illustrating the development of U-space in Poland.


