Accessibility Tools

PansaUTM Poznań

PansaUTM increases its operational range!

After the first officially announced implementation of an operational UTM system in Europe on March, 2nd , at three Polish airports, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency made another step already, spreading the range of its PansaUTM system. On April, 6th, PansaUTM has been introduced in controlled zones of Gdańsk, Lublin and Szczecin airports, as well as in the Gdańsk sector of the Flight Information Service (FIS) covering 1/5 of the uncontrolled airspace.

This is the second phase of PansaUTM’s smooth and progressive implementation process which begun recently. At that moment, PansaUTM was recognized as the first UTM system used by ATC on a daily basis. These facts, combined with official statistics presenting a few hundred drone flight plans registered, show PANSA as an European leader since there was no other announcement about an implementation of a tool similar to the PansaUTM system, that would be used both by drone pilots and air traffic controllers.

PansaUTM features a customized, user friendly interface for everyday VLOS flight planning as well as sofisticated tools for coordination of BVLOS flights. Dedicated modules allow PansaUTM staff to make a pre-tactical coordination and grant permissions for UAV flights. They also support the tactical coordination between air traffic controllers and drone operators. The system is available in six controlled zones: Poznań, Bydgoszcz, Modlin, Gdańsk, Lublin and Szczecin (CTR EPBY, CTR EPPO, CTR EPMO, CTR EPGD, CTR EPLB, CTR EPSC). UAV flights may also be reported to FIS Officers in FIS Gdańsk sector, as PansaUTM system supports issuing of pre-tactical flight conditions and approvals for BVLOS flights in this uncontrolled airspace.

PansaUTM is a concept for digital coordination and management of permissions for UAV flights. The tool includes PANSA’s proprietary operational solutions and the system partly provided by the technology partner: HAWK-e, integrated with DroneRadar: the most popular web app among drone operators in Poland.

For the first time, PansaUTM was presented worldwide during the World ATM Congress 2019 in Madrid. Within just a year, the system met all domestic and European requirements and was finally deployed into the operational environment. Only a few weeks of its work were enough to prove its value, as the number of PansaUTM’s users grows systematically.

Full implementation of PansaUTM is planned for the second quarter of 2020.

