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SITA technology enhances communications, efficiency, and safety at the polish airports

Better communication, safety and increased efficiency at Polish airports. Thanks to an agreement signed in 2020, eight airports in Poland will be able to benefit from new communications technology between pilots and air traffic controllers.

The Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA) has selected global air transport IT provider, SITA, in a four-year contract to digitally transform air/ground communications and boost air traffic safety and efficiency. Eight of Poland’s international airports will be participating: Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Katowice, Modlin, Wroclaw, Poznan, and Rzeszow.

Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), like PANSA, must be able to manage efficient, reliable, clear, and important data exchanges with aircraft pilots, such as clearance for departures. To meet this critical need for communicating with air traffic management systems and aircraft, moving from voice to digital departure clearance with SITA’s ATC Datalink Services will enable the efficient and safe running of the airspace overseen by PANSA.

Poland is the main eastern gateway into the EU and one of the largest airspaces in Europe. We’re leveraging the latest technologies to ensure the safety of the passengers and airlines using our airspace, which represents almost 2000 flights every day. We have been working with SITA since 2017, and we are confident they can support our needs – said Maciej Rodak, Vice President for Air Navigation, PANSA.

The Departure Clearance (DCL) datalink service supports the digital exchange of departure clearances between the air traffic controller and the pilot and easily interfaces with other systems used by the ATCO. DCL is faster and more accurate because it reduces misunderstandings often associated with conventional, lower-quality voice communications. It increases safety and reduces delays by ensuring correct, timely clearances reach the intended aircraft.

We’re delighted to be continuing our partnership with PANSA. Our DCL datalink service will help modernize air traffic communications in Poland, supporting safety and efficiency as travel rebounds – said Yann Cabaret, CEO, SITA FOR AIRCRAFT.

