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Drone transformation gains momentum

The drone industry, that has been growing roughly 50% year to year, is now set to develop even quicker not. On Tuesday, Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Civil Aviation Authority launched a mutual drone development project worth over 61,5 mln PLN. Janusz Janiszewski, president of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency and Ewa Siczek, director of the e-government projects department at Centrum Projektów Polska Cyfrowa, signed the first ever contract for financing the development of the drone industry from European funds during a ceremony at the Powiśle Power Plant on Tuesday.

The project “Digital services for unmanned aerial vehicles” implemented under the Digital Poland Operational Program includes joint works of three institutions on the development of digital and ICT solutions for the industry. Its direct recipients group will include all users of unmanned aircraft – from private drone enthusiasts, through state services and institutions, to companies and business recipients, but also citizens unrelated to aviation on a daily basis. The project will allow the use of unmanned aviation to a greater extent than before, as well as improve the efficiency of training and administrative processes.

Over PLN 51 million, or 85 percent of the project value, was obtained from an EU funds. Thanks to the joint project, citizens and entrepreneurs using drones for business purposes will be able to electronically fulfill all obligations related to unmanned aerial vehicle flights, gaining time and money as well as new business opportunities.

– Today Poland is among the world leaders in creating a friendly environment for the drone industry. Well-developed infrastructure for traffic management and innovation are our cooperation offer in the Three Seas Initiative region. CPK – the economy driving foce – will be driven by innovations such as drone technologies. Thanks to the excellent cooperation of various institutions centered around their development, we will develop a competitive advantage on the world stage, which will benefit the entire Polish aviation market, said Minister Marcin Horała, deputy minister at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the government plenipotentiary for CPK.

The project will also result in efficient coordination of a greater number of drone flights in public space and better integration of manned and unmanned aviation, which will translate into greater safety level for citizens.

Drone traffic in airspace will complement the services provided today by both traditional aviation and other forms of transport. For a drone pilot all formal activities related to operating a drone should besays Janusz Janiszewski, president of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, the company behind the PansaUTM system – the first operationally implemented system in Europe to coordinate unmanned aircraft operations.

Today, the coordination of drone flights between operators and air traffic controllers takes place in part of airspace around controlled airports in a completely digital and online way, using UTM system modules. Similarly, the digital services that will be implemented under the Project “Digital services for unmanned aerial vehicles” will be global, based on the greatest possible dynamics and automation of operations and will cover all major areas related to the UAV market.

– Services proposed by PANSA constitute a comprehensive solution for the unmanned aerial vehicle market, citizens and entrepreneurs. The need to implement services was confirmed by expert analysis during the assessment of the funding application – said Ewa Siczek, director of the e-administration projects department, Centrum Cyfrowa Polska Cyfrowa.

– The project “Digital services for unmanned aerial vehicles”, thanks to which the National Drone Information System will be created, will allow the Civil Aviation Authority to provide clear and comprehensible information to people, often unrelated to aviation, that use drones. It will allow the authorities to react dynamically and impose temporary restrictions on drones in access to airspace. Thus, it will minimize the risk of violations or threats, both in air traffic and public safety – says Piotr Samson, president of the Civil Aviation Authority.

– We are witnessing the beginning of a new era in unmanned aviation, increasingly digital and autonomous, increasingly scalable business models based on drones. New jobs for highly specialized staff and evident acceleration of economic growth go hand in hand with it. Drones are the industry of the future in which Poland is and will be a leader. The benefits for the national economy from the implementation of drones will amount to almost PLN 600 billion by 2026 – says Małgorzata Darowska, plenipotentiary of the Minister of Infrastructure for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the Central European Drone Demonstrator program.

Project “Digital services for unmanned aerial vehicles” implemented as part of the Digital Poland Operational Program (axis II E-administration and open office, action 2.1 High availability and quality of public e-services, recruitment number POPC.02.01.00-IP.01-00 -013/19) will end in 2023.

