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PANSA’s Flight Inspection is consistently increasing its foreign activity

Despite the pandemic, the PANSA aviation inspection carried out three orders for control and measurement flights for two European institutions providing air navigation services (Cyprus DCA, MoldATSA in Moldova) and for the airport manager in Chisinau, in record time! This is another foreign mission of our Parrot. In the first days of September, she conducted measurements at the NATO base in Lithuania – EYSA, Šiauliai (Šiauliai).

Planning the mission route in a way that takes into account the epidemic restrictions, which also apply to the crew of the aircraft performing the service of control and measurement flights, was a considerable logistical challenge.

Performing the validation of landing approach procedures at Cypriot airports: in Larnaca LCLK (RNP APPROACH RWY 22) and Paphos LCPH (RNP APPROACH RWY 29), periodic air inspection of two Chisinau ILS / DME and DVOR / DME airports commissioned by MoldATSA, and light control navigation aids (including four PAPIs) on both runways of the Chisinau Airport, – completing all of this in just thirty hours within 6 days (of which 3 days are ferrying) proves the efficient organization and commitment of the personnel both directly performing the flights and thanks to which the relevant contracts for the performance of services were signed – said Adam Tarnowski, pilot and head of the PANSA flying personnel team.

This is not our last word and in the meantime, we are preparing to provide further such services abroad, this year. Below are some photos from measurement flights in Cyprus.

