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PANSA services:
PansaUTM Poznań
On Monday, March 2, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency launched the first operational drone flight coordination system in Europe, used by, among others air traffic controllers. The PansaUTM system has successfully passed the accreditation process run by PANSA and supervised by the Civil Aviation Office and was launched in the controlled areas of airports...
The nearly two-month production tests of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency PansaUTM system were successful. PANSA representatives involved in the accreditation process of the PansaUTM system would like to thank the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operators for their cooperation and all submitted comments. During the tests, UAV operators submitted over 150 mission plans, which...
On Wednesday, December 11th Janusz Janiszewski, President of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency officially took over the chairmanship of the A6 Alliance – Group of the largest European air navigation institutions, from Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain and Italy. This is the first time in history when a Pole will preside over the Alliance’s...


