Accessibility Tools

Developed by the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, Creotech Instruments S.A. and AP-TECH Sp. z o.o., Automated Detection And Monitoring Of Air Obstacles SAMPLE system (System Automatycznego Monitorowana Przeszkód Lotniczych i Ewidencji – SAMPLE) was presented at the prestigious World ATM Congress 2022 in Madrid. As part of the AP-TECH exhibition stand, the partners presented...
The iTEC Alliance has presented its progress in the development of the iTEC Air Traffic Control system at an event held during the World ATM Congress 2022 in Madrid. The ANSPs from Germany (DFS), the United Kingdom (NATS), Spain (ENAIRE), the Netherlands (LVNL), Norway (Avinor), Lithuania (Oro Navigacija) and Poland (PANSA), which make up the...
AIS day EN2
We wish our AIS staff in Poland and in every single office around the world the best of health, much courage, a large dose of optimism and good quality data. The Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) is a service established in a designated area responsible for providing aeronautical data and information necessary to ensure the safety,...
kartka wielkanocna PAŻP 2022 EN kopia
At this particular time, we wish you healthy, cheerful and peaceful Easter. May this joyful time bring you serenity, hope, peace and break away from everyday worries, and the spring sun give you strength to successfully implement all your plans. Happy Easter!
GateOne members stand in solidarity with our fellow colleagues from UkSATSE, the Ukrainian air navigation service provider. Our thoughts and prayers are with our colleagues from Ukraine who are now forced to switch from safe navigation of aircraft in Ukrainian airspce to defending their country so they can turn back to peaceful provision of air...
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Starting 1 January 2022, ENAIRE, the Spanish Air Navigation Service Provider, will lead the A6 Alliance CEOs Steering Board, taking over the chairmanship from PANSA, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency. The two-year presidency of the PANSA in the A6 Alliance, which brings together the largest European air navigation institutions, has come to an end....
Kartka (en)
Christmas is just around the corner! At this special time of year, full of hope and joy, to all users of Polish airspace, we wish peace, health and happiness. May love and joy be yours during this happy season of Christmas. And when the time comes, Polish Air Navigation Services Agency will make sure that...
Runway excursions during take-off or landing are amongst the most common incidents that still occur in civil aviation. In order to address this issue RCAMS (Runway Condition Awareness and Monitoring System) is being developed jointly by Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling of the University of Warsaw (UW ICM)...
radar data
Radar data visualization and related alerts are the new tools in the newest version of Common Airspace Tools (CAT) 3.0, software for the airspace management system. Poland is the only country so far to use such an advanced technology in this area. CAT 3.0 has just been deployed in Airspace Management Cell of Polish Air...
They’ve signed a Letter of Intent to develop solutions to improve the efficiency and sustainability of European air transport; PANSA and Indra will furnish the future control centre in Poznan with the next version of the iTEC system, which will introduce the use of virtualisation and private cloud technologies to ensure safer and more efficient...


