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W PAŻP pracuje od 2010 roku. Teraz będzie aktywnie zarządzał systemem skutecznego szkolenia kandydatów do służby w kontroli ruchu lotniczego w Polsce. Do 2015 roku Grzegorz był kontrolerem w służbie kontroli lotniska we Wrocławiu, od 2015 roku pracował jako kontroler obszaru Warszawa. Z Ośrodkiem Szkolenia Personelu ATS, będącego częścią Biura Szkoleń jest związany od 2017...
PANSAlogo kopia
The NOTAM Office of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, at the request of the military side, has published the following NOTAM N0608/2024, which introduces a navigation warning for airspace users and is valid from 5 February (06.00 UTC ) to 5 May 2024 (06.00 UTC ). # N0608 /2024 N Q) EPWW/QRMXX/IV/BO /W /000/095/5220N02216E210...
Prime Minister Donald Tusk, at the request of Infrastructure Minister Dariusz Klimczak, appointed Magdalena Jaworska-Maćkowiak as the CEO of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, effective January 4, 2024. Magdalena Jaworska-Maćkowiak began her PANSA journey in 2014 when she served as Vice President for Finance and Administration. After that, from February 2015 to December 2016,...
Kopia – Blue White Modern Merry Christmas Card - 6
Christmas is just around the corner! At this special time of year, full of hope and joy, to all users of Polish airspace, we wish peace, health and happiness. May love and joy be yours during this happy season of Christmas. And when the time comes, Polish Air Navigation Services Agency will make sure that...
On Thursday 29 June, the eight members of the A6 Alliance signed a revised MoC to secure continued collaboration within the ANSP coalition who represent and manage 80 % of Europe’s ATM network. The revised MoC reflects the evolving landscape in Europe from the perspective of developments in relation to SESAR Research & Innovation, SESAR...
TurboletL410,Papuga,WAW,PiotrBozyk kopia
It’s the end of the Turbolet era at the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA). After 34 years, on Wednesday February 22, the LET L-410 Turbolet “Parrot” aircraft with registration SP-TPA left the fleet of the PANSA’s Flight Inspection forever, ending an interesting and beautiful history. SP-TPA flies to Czech Republic The plane departed from...
Kartka z życzeniami (EN)
Christmas is just around the corner! At this special time of year, full of hope and joy, to all users of Polish airspace, we wish peace, health and happiness. May love and joy be yours during this happy season of Christmas. And when the time comes, Polish Air Navigation Services Agency will make sure that...
LET L410 UVP-E15 (SP-TPA) Fot. Piotr Bożyk
The Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, headquartered at Wieżowa 8 in Warsaw, announces its intention to sell, by open tender, an airplane type LET L410 UVP-E15 with serial number MSN 892318 and registration SP-TPA. All information regarding the tender will be placed on the main PANSA website : and section – Agency Activities...
In June this year, air traffic controllers, including those from Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, and pilots completed testing of new CPDLC functions at the Eurocontrol Innovation Hub in Bretigny as part of the SESAR2020 Wave2 PJ18 sol 56 project. The latest validation (Solution 56, Exercise 01) involved a wide range of stakeholders, from operational,...
Better communication, safety and increased efficiency at Polish airports. Thanks to an agreement signed in 2020, eight airports in Poland will be able to benefit from new communications technology between pilots and air traffic controllers. The Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA) has selected global air transport IT provider, SITA, in a four-year contract to...


