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#EUxPANSA – Projects co-financed from European Union Funds

SAMPLE - System for Automatic Airport Obstacle Monitoring

The goal of the project is to develop a comprehensive SAMPLE system enabling detection and monitoring of obstacles with the functions of visualization of risk analysis, reporting and automatic notification. The main feature of the system will be the ability to automatically generate data on air obstacles and terrain based on satellite images (Earth Observation) and supplementary data. The system will enable automatic detection of newly created air obstacles and monitoring changes in air obstacles and terrain parameters with the functions of risk analysis visualization, its reporting and automatic notification of changes in obstacle and terrain parameters in the vicinity of airports and helicopter landing pads in the territory of the Republic of Poland (e.g. Air Rescue Service) and in any given area (globally). Project results will be used by entities responsible for air traffic safety and will allow the implementation of formal requirements for obstacle monitoring in specific areas of airports and airstrips.

Co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme “Smart Growth”, sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development work implemented by enterprises”.

Project Value: 17 515 932,69 PLN
Co-finance NCBR: 12 724 798,38 PLN

Articles about SAMPLE:
