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Aircraft Sale Announcement. Polish Air Navigation Services Agency announces an open tender

On 12.10.2021 at 10:00, in the building of Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, Warsaw, Wieżowa 8 street, an open tender in the form of written tenders will be carried out. The subject of the tender is the sale of L410 UVP-E15 (MSN: 892318).

All information regarding the tender are placed on the main website of PANSA :

and section – Agency Activities under ” Disposal of fixed assets” (Działalność Agencji – „Zbycie środków trwałych”).

The sale will take place subject to the consent of the President of the Ministry responsible for transport issued for PANSA. The buyer shall bear all the costs of fees and commissions related to the payment of the deposit and settlement of payments to PAŻP charged by the buyer’s bank, banks and other parties that intermediary in the transaction. The tender will be conducted on the basis of the polish regulation, act of 23.04.1964, Civil Code (Journal of Laws, 2020 item 1740, as amended)


Chairman of the Tender Committee

The Announcement

SP-TPA technical data

Rules of the tender (Polish language)

