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Thanks to the determination and commitment of many institutions, companies and people, the most important functionalities and U-space services for unmanned aerial vehicle traffic as outlined by the European Commission and the SESAR U-space Blueprint document have been successfully tested in Poland at the demonstration polygon during the Droniada 2019 competition in Katowice. Among the...
PansaUTM - demonstracja
We are pleased to announce that the PansaUTM system in on a short final to operational implementation! On December 31, 2019, the production testing began, which is the last of the testing phase before operational implementation. Tests mean that in parallel to manual coordination carried out by unmanned aerial vehicle operators (UAVO) and PANSA the...
PansaUTM Poznań
On Monday, March 2, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency launched the first operational drone flight coordination system in Europe, used by, among others air traffic controllers. The PansaUTM system has successfully passed the accreditation process run by PANSA and supervised by the Civil Aviation Office and was launched in the controlled areas of airports...
The nearly two-month production tests of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency PansaUTM system were successful. PANSA representatives involved in the accreditation process of the PansaUTM system would like to thank the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operators for their cooperation and all submitted comments. During the tests, UAV operators submitted over 150 mission plans, which...
Christmas is just around the corner! At this special time of year, full of hope and joy, to all users of Polish airspace, we wish peace, health and happiness. May love and joy be yours during this happy season of Christmas. And when the time comes, Polish Air Navigation Services Agency will make sure that...
On Wednesday, December 11th Janusz Janiszewski, President of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency officially took over the chairmanship of the A6 Alliance – Group of the largest European air navigation institutions, from Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain and Italy. This is the first time in history when a Pole will preside over the Alliance’s...
On November 13-14th, representatives of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency together with partners met in Gdansk for the SESAR Open Day. This is a cyclical event during which the entities involved in SESAR (the technological pillar of the Single European Sky initiative) research and development projects present the level of progress of ongoing works....
The Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA) launched WebCAT, a graphic and text interface presenting the current-updated and planned status of airspace structures in Poland, based on PANSA’s Common Airspace Tool (CAT) system. WebCAT interface is accessible from a web browser and integrated with PANSA’s PANDORA aeronautical Information Display System (IDS) for operational use. WebCAT...
October 20th is the International Day of the Air Traffic Controller. It is a common holiday of air traffic controllers and different air navigation services providers from around the world. For the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency it is a unique edition this year, as we open a brand-new and the highest in Poland aerodrome...


