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ATC Training Centre

ATC Training Centre is a part of Polish Air Navigation Services Agency. Its task is to train candidates to work in air traffic control  services and prepare them for state examinations.

The staff of the ATC Training Centre supported by  specialized equipment  provides theoretical as well as  simulator training.

ATC Training Centre is situated in the Air Traffic Management Centre in the complex of Agency buildings  adjacent to Okęcie Airport, at Wieżowa 8 in Warsaw.

Polish Air Navigation Services Agency is located in a closed area. Visitors must make an appointment with the PANSA employee in advance. Upon arrival one should report to the security guard on duty who would  notify the awaiting person.

Guests wishing to obtain a pass (which also applies to applicants for interviews and exams) should bring their identity card or passport.


  • from Aleja Krakowska Street: via Na Skraju, Paluch and Wieżowa Streets. Note: It is only  possible to exit expressway S2 at  the Aleja Krakowska Street.
  • By city transport: ZTM bus line 124 from the Park & Ride at  Aleja Krakowska Street (the tramway  terminal)

Destination stop is located next to the animal shelter, at the intersection of Paluch and Wieżowa Streets.
Note: This is a request stop.
